Efter att ha fått hela livet slaktat av kommunen/staten på ett högst obehagligt sätt har jag ett tag skrivit på en bok om händelsen. Bloggen kommer vara ett komplement till sidan www.racy.se som skapades för att berätta om händelsen och lägga ut lite från boken. Bloggen blir ett sätt att i nutid lägga ut lite från vardagen med rättegångstrasslet, även från telefonen. Mina egna tankar och upplevelser i samband med detta. Bloggen är ju dessutom interaktiv och ger motparten möjlighet att yttra sig.
Bildspel med fåglar vid Hornborgasjön och hemma. Se den gärna i helskärm.
Omsorgens dag i Skara
Missa inte omsorgens dag 30 maj - Skara kommuns startsida
Nej den skall jag inte missa.
Jag testade att göra en bild med AI, skicka den till chat gpt och be den att skriva om bilden. Här är resultatet.
Förvånansvärt bra
write me a short story about what this woman is thinking when she strolls in the forest by the creek
Amelia walked along the forest path, the morning sun casting a golden glow through the tall pine trees. The scent of pine needles and earth filled her lungs, grounding her in the present moment. She had taken this path many times before, but today, it felt different. Today, she was here to find answers.
A year had passed since she moved to the cabin hidden amongst the trees, seeking solace from a world that had grown too loud and too fast. The sound of the creek bubbling beside her was a reminder of the simple beauty she had chosen. But the serenity of the forest was in stark contrast to the turmoil inside her.
As she walked, her thoughts drifted to the life she had left behind. The high-rise apartment, the demanding job, the endless city noise. She had once thrived in that chaos, but something had shifted. The promotion she had worked so hard for brought more stress than satisfaction, and the relationships she had built felt increasingly hollow. Amelia had realized she was chasing a version of success that wasn't her own.
Here, among the trees and the whispering wind, she was beginning to understand what she truly wanted. The forest had become her sanctuary, a place where she could hear her own thoughts. Each step on the moss-covered path was a step towards clarity.
She paused by the creek, watching the sunlight dance on the water's surface. The gentle flow of the stream reminded her of the ebb and flow of life, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. Amelia knew she didn't have all the answers yet, but she was learning to trust the journey. The forest had taught her that it was okay to slow down, to listen, and to be present.
Amelia continued her stroll, a small smile playing on her lips. She had come to the forest seeking answers, and while she hadn't found them all, she had found something even more valuable: herself. And that, she realized, was the beginning of everything.
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Då är jag hemkommen från stan. Gått in i rummet med en tom bur, där står Jackos bur med dörren öppen och matskålarna på golvet. Två små ägg...
Företaget får ju avregistreras nu när nästan alla hundar är borta. så det inte står och drar pengar. Dom senaste chock-händelserna har ju g...
Saknar dig min gamle krigare, hoppas du förlåter mig för att du fick flytta. Men det var för din egen skull, jag har inte övergett dig